2025 events calendar -
2025 events calendar -
This year we will have a diverse offer of events between April and November. We will host artistic residencies with national and international artists, as well as workshops with local artists (ceramic, land art, sculpture, sound and nature acoustics, etc).
Caminho Do Corpo - 4th edition
April 12 - 20
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
For the fourth year Caminho Do Corpo invites you for our dance journey throughout 9 days immersed in the powerful nature of the Algarve in southern Portugal. Our vision is to create a wholesome experience, to meet ourselves and everything around us with all senses. To listen deeply into the way we get in touch with each other and (our)nature. Come and celebrate dancing, playing, creating and living together, fueled with curiosity, playfulness, inspiration and joy.
Organisers: Katha Löffler, Sarah Solea, Pawel Konior, Maya Wuytack @wellenfest
ALEM - Creative Movement Retreat
April 25 - 27
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
We would like to invite you for a journey where we curate a landscape with acess to diferent practices Yoga, Gaga, Move Through, Creation in Nature.
All information here
Teachers: Marta Golasz, Kana Ote and Natalia Vik
Retiro SER - Desperta a tua intuição
Maio 30 - Junho 1
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
O Retiro SER é um regresso à origem, um retorno ao útero, desta vez, envolvido pela imensidão da mãe natureza. Um santuário vivo, escolhido por três mulheres que transformaram as suas vidas através da intuição, do trabalho interno, através da psicologia e de práticas ancestrais.
Serás guiada/o numa experiência sensorial profunda, onde a vastidão da natureza setorna o palco maior da cura. É um convite a escutar a voz mais antiga e sábia – a do teu próprio coração. Escutá-lo sem pressa, sentir a verdade que habita em ti. A natureza é o grande espelho da alma, onde cada sopro do vento, cada murmúrio da terra e cada batida do coração são um chamado para SER. O corpo tem uma inteligência natural: quando se magoa, ativa processos de regeneração – cortes cicatrizam, ossos regeneram-se, feridas fecham-se. Mas e a mente? Quando se sente perdida ou sobrecarregada, não basta esperar que tudo passe. É preciso despertar uma nova consciência para que a verdadeira cura e transformação aconteçam. A tua intuição e conexão interior são bússolas sagradas para reconhecer o que precisa de ser curado e ficou abafado pelo stress, pelas crenças limitantes e pelo medo.
Este retiro não é sobre técnicas. É sobre ti. Sobre o teu renascimento.
Sara de Melo (Psicóloga, yoga terapeuta e life coach), Liliana Almeida (Terapeuta do som, buscadora de amor e paz, cantora) e Francianne Santos (Terapeuta Ayurveda, Yoga Devotion Dance e mentora Shakti)
Kirstie Simson ~ Dance improvisation practices that offer resilience and support in difficult times
June 6 - 11
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
Kirstie draws from her extensive experience of Contact Improvisation, dance techniques, the Alexander technique, Aikido, meditation, and her broad knowledge of improvisation in performance. She shares her work through facilitated exercises, open time for play and exploration, movement scores, observations, discussion, and humour. Much of the work is experienced through partnering and connection with others, balanced with solo time for processing and reflection.
Facebook event here
Bonus scene from the dance Documentary ‘Force of Nature’ about the dance artist Kirstie Simson by filmmaker Katrina McPhersona
Organisers: Bárbara and Darshana
TIDES ~ Rhythms of being and becoming
July 7 - 13
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
A week of Contact Improvisation, Axis Syllabus and Somatics with Kira Kirsch and Sergio Palomares.
We invite you to a week long retreat at beautiful Estúdio Yucca in the south of Portugal attuning with the rhythms of body and land via Contact Improvisation, Axis Syllabus, Osteopathy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Kira and Sergio, both passionate about living anatomy and the bio-dynamics of movement, have come together with the desire to explore a deeper knowing of interior relationships and its resonance and expression in movement and beingness.
Throughout the week, we’ll work with different concepts such as mobility and motility of different bones, the flow of fluids or the organisation of tissue and explore how these subtle interconnections inform our structure and movement. By paying attention to these internal processes, we can refine perception and coordination and invite the body’s inherent intelligence and capacity for self-regulation and of course nurture well-being.
With 2 sessions per day, jams, nature/ beach day, we seek a balanced flow between CI, solo movement practices, hands on bodywork, rest, jamming and a bit of nerdiness.
Embodiment as one, as two, as many, as the tides of Ria Formosa.
Schedule coming soon!
Deeper Ground Blending Forces
July 23 - 27
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
Contact Improvisation Laboratory 2025 with Pawel Kubiak & Daniel Rojasanta
This laboratory is the result of a year long movement research of a previous Lab called LIFTS: FALLING AND FLYING that toured in Thailand and China in 2024. Through the exploration of lifts while dancing we sense the possibility of accessing a territory in which the interactions between the movers are not necessarily framed as what is up and what is down, who is supporting and who is supported, but instead, they create a mutual interdependency in which the forces blend constantly, and to support and being supported are not different separate identities but simultaneous qualities that are part of each movement.
Facebook event here
Movement Retreat ~ 2nd edition
September 19 - 22
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
Estúdio Yucca invites Movement Lisboa for a 4 day retreat with 2 daily practices in total of 6 hours per day. Inspired by the teachings of some of the most important names in the field, Movement Lisboa was born and founded by André Dias and Tiago Martins, a duo who dedicate their work on sharing several techniques in Lisboa, Portugal under the guidance of different approaches. They also develop their own research and practices in order to update body possibilities and knowledge to get everybody / anybody moving daily and healthier.
Teachers: Tiago Martins e André Dias
Body & Silence Unbound
Venue: Estúdio Yucca - Cabanas de Tavira
September 27 - October 5
Body & Silence Unbound ~ Contemplative Art Residency
Dear friend,
This Residency is an invitation to rest in what is close and what is real. To return to the quiet within and to reveal what has been hiden.
We will practice the Art of Seeing, taking time to witness nature and one another with empty-clear-kind eyes, whilst gathering the courage to fully appear undressed, as one's most honest-authentic self, practicing being seen.
A space for co-creation and collaboration of all arts and artists interested in silence, the body and nature, with a common focus on contact & dance-music improvisation.
There will be time for stillness, time for movement, time to make and unmake a self, time to be alone, to be together and also to be alone together. For sure there will be time for music, poetry, painting and other yet unknown forms of art. A lot of time to enter the timeless.
We aim not to produce nor achieve anything but to listen and allow what is already (t)here to naturally emerge in Presence.
A place made for meeting, meeting the world with the body, beyond words and everyday logic. A time to be fully here, fully alive, quiet, ecstatic, or simply: that what you are.
Curated and hold by Francisco Borges & Alexa Papa
>>> More Info Soon <<<
Interested in hosting an event at Estúdio Yucca?
If you're interested in hosting a retreat, event or training with us, then please get in touch to discuss.